The federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is on its way to further develop its "Sustainability strategy NRW". In the project, conceptual analysis and reflections are carried out for the design of such a strategy based on the results of previous studies on sustainability strategies of other countries and policy levels. The project shall also learn from good practice examples in other federal states: Where have holistic and integrative sustainability strategies been created? What are success factors?
From the beginning a "TEAM Sustainability" is involved in the design and the process of discussion for a sustainability strategy NRW. The TEAM consists of sustainability relevant stakeholders from NRW and combines various facets and contents of the sustainability debate.
The aim is to clarify principles of a sustainability strategy for NRW and to collect the activities and measures in the country that are already carried out. Concrete approaches have to be identified for the selected fields of action of the sustainability strategy NRW and implementation possibilities have to be presented for selected examples. In addition, it will be important to analyse institutional requirements for a sustainability strategy NRW, which are essential for the implementation, the management and the continuous reporting.
With a view to sustainability related fields of action it will have to be determined to which extent (and with which target values) qualified and/or quantified targets should be defined. The determining of appropriate sustainability indicators can be based on experiences of European and national level as well as on the experience of other federal states.
It is envisaged to accompany the development of a sustainability strategy with a sustainability vision NRW 2030. The vision is about a striking description of possible lines of development that uses NRW specifics: How do we want to live, work and reside in the future? How do we want to produce and consume? These and other questions have to be discussed with the "TEAM Sustainability", other key stakeholders and citizens from NRW.
In the project Sustainable Strategies North Rheine-Westphalia (NRW) an in-depth study on "alternative economies" entitled "Analysis of alternative economy approaches: sustainability impact and need for action in NRW state policy - Exploratory Analysis" will be conducted. This study is intended to systematize different forms of "alternative economies" and distinguish them not only from each other, but also from classical economies. The examined approaches are to be analysed both for their potentials and effects. Based on this the resulting recommendations for the state government are to be derived. An interdisciplinary working TEAM from the Wuppertal Institute will examine alternative economic systems in three selected areas (mobility, food and housing/energy), to assess their importance for a sustainable development in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
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