The Wuppertal Institute provides policy makers with scientific insights and future-oriented solutions to the necessary transformations. This enables them to make scientifically sound and robust decisions in their political contexts and create a socially and environmentally just society.
Policy creates the framework for future-proof, sustainable societies. To come to scientifically sound decisions, politicians at all levels need to know impacts, potential conflicts and have clear roadmaps towards societal progress.
From its beginnings, the Wuppertal institute has counselled policy making, whether in the legislative realm or governments and local administration. Its level of expertise and strong reputation make it a reliable and sought-after scientific partner.
Policy advise must never be abstract, but look at a concrete case in an integrated fashion. Many of our studies provide insights into the ecological effects of specific instruments or measures, the costs incurred and the social implications. Scenarios illustrate different possible decisions and clarify their consequences. Research questions might be: "What does a program for building renovations need to look like to be sustainable?" or "How can a society’s resource use be quantified and limited by policy?" or "What are the socio-political implications of ecological structural change?"
The Wuppertal Institute provides expertise at all political levels. We get asked about sustainable traffic systems in the megacities of developing and emerging economies as well the potentials of a small municipality to reduce its impacts on climate change and resource use. Having accompanied the Energiewende from its inception and long before it was politically implemented makes the Institute a valued authority and ambassador for sustainable systemic change.
Our expertise, as provided by prominent senior researchers, is in demand in various advisory bodies and commissions. We have contributed to various study commissions of the German Parliament, the China Council, the advisory body of the major of Seoul and many more. Parliamentary commissions regularly request expert opinions from the Wuppertal Institute.
Find below examples of projects commissioned by political institutions on different levels.
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