Companies as well as trade associations find the Wuppertal Institute to be a competent partner, supporting them with the scientific analysis of the necessary changes as well as proposals how to implement them. This allows our clients to invest securely and sustainably, be competitive in future markets and showcase their corporate social responsibility.
The world economy is based on natural resources, and those are finite. Renewable resources and their efficient use, sustainable products and production and transparent labour conditions are all components of a world economy viable in the long term. Returns on investment are no longer only a concern for stock holders. Those returns are in demand for the environment, society and future generations.
Many companies are aware of this development, be they global players, whole industries, small-and medium enterprises or entrepreneurs with new ideas. They are actively reviewing their production processes, researching future markets and rethinking their business models to not be left behind by the coming ground shifts in the world economy.
The Wuppertal Institute supports businesses in their own transformation through a multitude of projects, analyses and solutions. We are well aware of the challenges faced by companies, our global reputation is built on being able to mediate between science, business and politics. In our transdisciplinary approach we see companies as equal partners in the search for new knowledge and practical solutions.
Innovative technologies that reduce resource consumption hold great economic promise. Our institute looks into possible technology paths, the role of different energy sources through time or the systemic changes necessary to bring new technologies to market.
The Transformation to an economy more focused on services and the sharing or recycling of resources will shape future markets. Not only will energy and mobility systems be different, but also lifestyles and models of well-being. Sufficient consumption requires different outputs from the economy than previously. The Wuppertal Institute is researching how to translate this demand into sufficient business models.
Questions around sustainability differ widely from one industry to the next. To do justice to that, we develop industry-specific solutions for sustainable change, e.g. for utilities, the food industry or energy intensive industries.
Companies are increasingly being held responsible for the environmental impact of their products and ways of production or labor conditions, all the way from resource extraction to waste disposal. Going along the supply chain, the Wuppertal institute explores how they can be resource-light and sustainable. We develop management principles and discuss corporate cultures that would reverse the constant growth of resource throughput.
Selected projects commissioned by societal actors or with relevance to social and societal questions.
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