After decades of negotiations, the Paris Climate Agreement finally created an internationally agreed framework for the fight against climate change with contributions by all countries. From 06 to 18 November 2022, the international community gathers at the twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh to further advance the implementation of the Agreement.
One main topic will be how to increase countries' efforts. The climate protection contributions which countries have pledged so far are too weak to achieve the Paris Agreement objective of stabilising global temperature increase well below 2 degrees Celsius, preferrably at 1.5 degrees Celsius. The conference in Sharm El Sheikh is supposed to adopt a working programme on enhancing ambition and implementation. In addition, the conference will focus on enhancing financial support for developing countries, in particular for adaptation to the impacts of climate change and dealing with climate-related loss and damage. The conference will also continue the Global Stocktake on the international communities' efforts on combating climate change, which will conclude at COP28 in 2023.
The Wuppertal Institute has been observing the UN climate process from the beginning and published an assessment after each conference soon after its close. In addition, the Wuppertal Institute presents its research in numerous side events and discusses effective ways for implementing the Paris Agreement. Side events of the Wuppertal Institute:
Participation in this official UNFCCC side event is possible for everyone formally registered as participant to the conference, be it physically or virtually. However, live webcasting of all side events will be made available on the public UNFCCC website by default and does not require a formal registration. Further information can be found under the links below.
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