Germany's Transition to a Circular Economy – How to Unlock the Potential of Cross-Industry Collaboration

  • Duration 08/2020 - 06/2021

The transition from a linear to a circular economy requires joint action by governments, businesses and civil society. Industry and business play a significant role in the circular transformation but cannot meet this challenge alone. Therefore, more cross-industry collaborations are needed to further scale the Circular Economy in Germany.

The joint study by econsense, accenture and the Wuppertal Institute provides an overview of the status of cross-industry collaborations in Germany on the topic of the circular economy and identifies recommendations for action for companies. To this end, nine key industries (chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well as biotechnology, automotive and aircraft industry, construction sector, trade and logistics, steel industry and mechanical engineering, textile and clothing industry (consumer goods), household and electronic devices (consumer goods), food and agriculture) and three cross-sectoral industries (recycling and waste management, financial industry, information and communication technology) were examined. In order to identify the status quo as well as enablers and barriers extensive desktop research, a stakeholder workshop, a survey and interviews with leading German companies were conducted in addition to secondary research. The results were summarised in the publication of 15 June 2021.

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