The scientists are focussing their research on successful transformation processes in energy, transport and climate policy.
To the Division, implementation-oriented transformative research means cooperating with different decision-makers in its inter- and trans-disciplinary research. In this context, the researchers structure their analysis according to a cyclical concept of transformation, thus contributing to a better understanding of societal decision-making, participation, and learning processes. They analyse structures, institutions, and actor constellations, and evaluate potentials for the implementation of key policy strategies. On such a basis, the researchers develop designs for policy concepts, policy packages, and single policies and measures as well as services within the different multi-level governance systems. The designs are assessed using qualitative and quantitative multi-criteria analyses including impacts and cost-effectiveness and, if required, are integrated into overall concepts and policy scenarios. Projects also support pilot testing of concepts and evaluate them with regard to their impacts, cost-effectiveness, and possibilities for optimisation, and finally draw conclusions for the diffusion of policies and measures.
The following guidelines for concrete research topics and grounding methodology of the Division emerge from the core research themes:
The scientists combine scientific analysis of optimal strategies and instruments with the search for those suitable for practical application.
The Research Unit Energy Policy analyses and develops policy packages and instruments supporting the transition towards a sustainable, nearly carbon-free and energy-efficient energy system based on renewable energy.
The Research Unit Global Climate Governance sees itself as a navigator of international governance processes and as an architect of transformative solutions, developing strategies and instruments at global level to advance the transformation to sustainability.
The Research Unit Mobility and Transport Policy investigates which policies and actors will be able to shape the transformation of the transport sector towards sustainable mobility in Germany.
The Research Unit Urban Transitions develops innovative concepts and instruments that implement sustainable transformation strategies in cities and regions.
The Urban Living Lab Center is the first Collaborating Center of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). It is funded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Technische Universität Berlin (Technical University of Berlin, TUB), the Wuppertal Institute, and regional partner universities and network partners. It supports the joint development of transformative living labs in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. One pillar of the Urban Living Lab Center is embedded at the Wuppertal Institute as a Research Unit.
more about the Research Unit UN-Habitat Collaborating Center
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