Nothing works without energy. We need energy for mobility, heat and light, to prepare food and beverages, render services and manufacture products.
The amount of energy we use for different purposes depends on the intelligence and efficiency of energy use. Furthermore, it depends on the existing infrastructure, the market conditions and the political-administrative framework. In addition, demands concerning the care economy and requirements regarding flexibilisation have an impact on the energy we use.
Energy savings through increased energy efficiency can be achieved at different points along the supply and demand chain:
All of these areas offer major potentials for innovation and market opportunities. Realisation can be fostered by adequate policies and measures. The Wuppertal Institute researches and advises governments scientifically, especially in the field of energy efficiency on the demand side. This is the case in EU projects like "ENSMOV", which offers support in implementing the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive to the member states' governments. In the EU project "COMBI", a consortium of institutes under the direction of the Wuppertal Institute compiled a comprehensive database on the many benefits of energy efficiency. The follow-up project "MICAT" is now developing the methods further for practical application in the evaluation of policies and measures.
Other projects focus on the analysis of policy packages and instruments for energy efficiency in buildings and appliances.
You find all scientific publications on our publication server:
Here you find research activities in the field of energy efficiency.
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