Co-operation &Networks

The Wuppertal Institute collaborates with a multitude of universities and institutes in Germany and abroad.

Formal cooperation agreements have been concluded with some universities and research institutions. Many scientists from the Wuppertal Institute teach at a university, mainly in Germany. Additionally, the institute is active in numerous research networks. These often cover in addition to science also other social groups and stakeholders. Furthermore, the institute stays in touch with its former employees through the alumni network.

Declaration of intent at the Tsinghua University
Signing of the declaration of intent at the Tsinghua University Beijing

The University of Wuppertal and the Wuppertal Institute together operate the research centre TransZent. The institute is also a member of the Johannes Rau Research Association.


In order to promote sustainability research and to mutually profit from each other's knowledge and experience, the Wuppertal Institute is active in numerous research networks. Partially trans-disciplinary, they often cover in addition to science also other social groups and stakeholders.


IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The IPCC is a scientific body. It reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change.

Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN)

Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN) is an international network of more than 1,500 scholars interested in sustainability transitions. Sustainability transitions are long-term transformation processes of established industries, socio-technical systems and societies to more sustainable modes of production and consumption.

International Resource Panel

The International Resource Panel was set up by th United Nations Environment Programme to develop holistic approaches to the management of global resources.

LCS-Rnet – Low Carbon Society Research Network

With the direct link between LCS-RNet and the G8 Environment Ministers Meeting process, researchers will continue efforts to communicate with decision-makers and various stakeholders to share social, economic and scientific research findings to help realise low-carbon societies.

SDSN Germany – Sustainable Development Solutions Network Germany

Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in August 2012, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilises scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable development problem solving at local, national, and global scales.

SLoCaT – Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport

Improves the knowledge on sustainable low carbon transport, helps develop better policies and catalyze their implementation. Over 50 organizations have joined the Partnership, including UN organizations, multilateral development banks, technical cooperation agencies, NGOs, research organizations and other organizations.

WISIONS of Sustainability

Partnerships and networks of the WISIONS initiative promote the demonstration of sustainable energy technologies in key regions by facilitating the exchange of experiences and by providing financial support to a number of selected projects.

GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice

Platform for information, knowledge, and networking on gender and climate change.

ARE – Alliance for Rural Electrification

The Alliance for Rural Electrification is a vital global network of innovative and dedicated professionals who promote and provide technological and financial solutions for rural electrification. As an international business association, ARE is representing the decentralised energy sector working towards the integration of renewables into rural electrification markets in developing and emerging countries.


eceee – European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

Membership-based non-profit association which generates and provides evidence-based knowledge and analysis of policies, and facilitates co-operation and networking through our Summer Studies, workshops, and social media.

EUREC – European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency

Brussels-based European association connecting the leading research centres and university departments active in the field of renewable energy technology.


Ecornet – Ecological Research Network

Seven pioneering institutes in sustainability research have joined together, forming the "Ecological Research Network" (Ecornet), a network of non-university, non-profit German research institutes focusing on environmental and sustainability research.

GTPF – Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung

The "Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e. V." (Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research) was founded in 2023 as an association of transdisciplinary and participatory researchers in German-speaking countries. It is a central point of contact for networking, professional exchange and professionalisation in the field of transdisciplinary and participatory research and science.

FVEE – Forschungsverbund Erneuerbare Energien

Renewable Energy Research Association – a nationwide cooperation of research institutes working on the research and development of methods and techniques in the field of renewable energies and their integration in energy systems as well as energy efficiency and energy storage.

CCC – Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg

The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary centre for research and knowledge transfer works with scientists, policymakers, business leaders, civil society, and cultural actors on solutions to make Berlin and Brandenburg climate neutral and adapt to the consequences of the climate crisis. The aim is to communicate the findings to policymakers and the business community and ensure their effective implementation by means of transdisciplinary research, science-based consulting, and active science communication.

CDI – Cluster Dekarbonisierung der Industrie

The "Cluster Dekarbonisierung der Industrie" (Cluster Decarbonisation in Industries) supports the transition process of industry towards climate neutrality as an incubator and provider of ideas. To this end, the interdisciplinary network mobilises expertise and synergy effects, with the goal of advancing solutions and innovations at the interface of science, business, politics and administration.

KEI – Kompetenzzentrum Klimaschutz in energieintensiven Industrien

Competence Centre on Climate Change Mitigation in Energy-Intensive Industries – as a source of expert knowledge and ideas, the KEI helps stakeholders manage the complex process of transformation into climate-neutral industries with its networking and platform services.

Netzwerk Ressourceneffizienz

Resource Efficiency Network – a forum of all players in the field resource efficiency.

Kompetenzpool Ressourceneffizienz

Competence Pool Resource Efficiency – a network of partners from economy, research and administration on national and state level which provides support in planning and implementing resource efficiency measures.

PND – PIUS-Netzwerk-Deutschland

PND-PIUS-Network Germany – a nationwide initiative with the aim to bring together professionals and experts from economy, science, consultancy and administration in Germany to exchange and transfer know-how and technology.

Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung, AG Frauen

The German Forum on Environment & Development was founded on 12 December 1992 after a UN conference on Environment and Development ("Rio"). Its purpose is to coordinate German NGOs in international political processes on sustainable development. The working group was established in 1995 by women from NGOs and scientists. They aim to integrate gender perspectives as a cross-question into environmental, developmental and sustainability politics.

North Rhine-Westphalia


The Wuppertal Institute is a member of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft. The JRF is a research community of 15 independent, non-profit research institutes in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Their common goal is to conduct sustainable and forward-thinking research for society, economy and politics.


IN4climate.NRW is a unique knowledge, dialogue and working platform created by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Here, experts from industry, science and politics work together to develop innovative strategies and solutions for climate-neutral industrial processes and products. Social groups are also involved in the discourses.

Netzwerk Verbraucherforschung NRW

Network Consumer Research NRW – The Network is part of the Verbraucherzentrale NRW (Consumer Advice Centre) and joins scientists working in the field of consumer research in NRW or being interested in this subject.

Neue Effizienz – Bergische Gesellschaft für Ressourceneffizienz mbH

The Neue Effizienz's objective is to enhance the resource efficiency of the "Bergisches Städtedreieck" (the city triangle of Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid) above average and thus to increase the innovation and competition power of the region itself and of corporations that are located there. For this goal, it brings together economy, science and municipalities.

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