Team &Personnel Structure

The Wuppertal Institute's staff numbers about 300. Most of them are research staff and come from a wide variety of scientific disciplines.

The spectrum includes natural and environmental sciences, geography, systems sciences, engineering, planning, economics, political, and social science. The Institute employs roughly equal numbers of women and men.

The Management Team of the Wuppertal Institute consists of two members: the President and Scientific Managing Director, Prof. Dr. Manfred Fischedick, and the Administrative Managing Director, Michael Dedek.

Research work at the Institute is basically performed in the Divisions Future Energy and Industry Systems, Energy, Transport and Climate Policy, Sustainable Production and Consumption and the Circular Economy. The Divisions are divided into fifteen Research Units. Scientific Managing Director and Divisions are supported in their work by the Strategy Development and Research Coordination unit, which is part of the Wuppertal Institute's Management Team. As a branch the Berlin Office supports the Wuppertal Institute's work in policy consulting and acquisition in the capital.

Administration, Information and Communication as well as research and student assistants support all its researchers. The communications team disseminate the research findings to the public and external parties.

The Wuppertal Institute cooperates with universities in guiding numerous PhD, diploma and master's candidates in their work. The research activities are supported by a global network of cooperation partners and individual scientists.

A works council represents the interests of the staff. The Wuppertal Institut is supported by an equal opportunity commissioner. The aim is to promote equal rights, equal treatment and equal opportunities for all employees with regard to gender and diversity.

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