To shape the future, an active exploration and integration, same as research and its implementation, are essential. Pairing experience-based learning with the necessary knowledge transfer requires fundamental changes in current learning and teaching methods to allow one's personality to naturally unfold and organisational, implementation, and subject-specific skills to develop.
The development of individual skills, forward thinking and interdisciplinary knowledge combined with autonomous action and participation in social decision-making processes are the goals of "Education for Sustainable Development". The Wuppertal Institute has developed its own didactic concept for this purpose. The research results are taken directly into didactic application areas and are tested by the target groups – users and learners alike. This is how target group-specific concepts are created.
Every field of education is addressed: from preschool to high-school, apprenticeships, advanced training, universities and extracurricular education including adult education/professional education. This also includes extracurricular forms of experience-based learning through experiments. Exchange between these areas and agents of economy and science, for example in learning partnerships between corporations and schools, is also encouraged.
Research is often conducted in exchange with education projects throughout Europe. Numerous media and educational materials have been developed in this way: a toolbox for sustainable economisation in corporations, didactic modules for adult education, movies, playful learning approaches for children, planning games and material collections. The Wuppertal Institute participates in roadmap processes on how to integrate sustainability topics into the education system. To this end, it participates in many networks and also initiates new networks.
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