Top 10Publicationsof 2012

This selection of the ten most important scientific publications of the Wuppertal Institute in 2012 provides an insight into the current international recognised research activities in the context of sustainability transformations.

Low-Carbon Transformation of the Energy System

Förster, Hannah; Healy, Sean; Loreck, Charlotte; Matthes, Felix C.; Fischedick, Manfred; Lechtenböhmer, Stefan; Samadi, Sascha; Venjakob, Johannes
Metastudy: Analysis on 2050 energy scenarios: policy briefing

SEFEP working paper no. 2012-5, Smart Energy for Europe Platform

In recent years various stakeholders have published many different long-term energy scenarios to highlight possible ways to decarbonise the European energy system. This Policy Briefing summarizes a comprehensive metastudy of energy scenarios for Europe conducted by the Wuppertal Institute and Öko-Institut on behalf of the Smart Energy for Europe Platform (SEFEP). Eleven decarbonisation scenarios from four different scenario studies have been analysed within the metastudy. One of the meatstudy's key results highlighted in this Policy Briefing is that a continued strong expansion of renewable energy use in combination with significant improvements in energy efficiency are key climate change mitigation strategies which all scenarios agree will be essential for Europe to realize its long-term climate targets.

Transformation Strategies to a Low Resource Society


Cross-Sectoral Papers to Transition Research at the Wuppertal Institute

Further Top Ten

The annual selection of important scientific publications is available here for the following years:

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