The Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals provide a long-term frame of reference for the complex task of stopping climate change. The Global Climate Governance Research Unit navigates governance processes in these areas. The researchers develop integrated strategies and instruments at global level to advance this transformation through transformative solutions.
Within the Energy, Transport and Climate Policy Division, the Research Unit works on three main topic areas: governance, transformation and sustainability. Governance: The Wuppertal Institute has been observing and analysed the United Nations climate negotiations since 1995 and regularly summarises the state of the negotiations. The researchers provide in-depth advice to political institutions as well as civil society and other actors working within the climate policy field. Furthermore, the Wuppertal Institute is familiar with national climate policy processes and the positions of individual countries in international climate politics worldwide.
Transformation: The Wuppertal Institute analyses and develops transformation strategies for a multitude of actors, such as governments and non-governmental organisations from a global perspective. These strategies not only relate to embarking onto sustainable societal pathways, practices and technologies, but also incorporate the deliberate exit (phase-out, exnovation) from unsustainable structures and practices and overcoming related path dependencies.
Sustainability: Ambitious climate policy can only be implemented sustainably if it contributes directly to other aspects of sustainable development, such as access to energy and mobility. The researchers therefore contribute to putting additional sustainability benefits, often referred to as "co-benefits" in international climate politics, front and centre as the "main benefits" of actions that are catalysed through climate policy. For example, a transport transition towards public transport, cycling and walking not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also local pollutants as well as improving public health.
Here you find publications on global climate governance.
Here you find research activities in the field of international climate policy.
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